導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 電影開場介紹主演字幕


發布時間:2024-04-30 00:49:20

Ⅰ 哪位資深的美國電影影迷能詳細給我翻譯一下每次電影開始出現的字幕內容。


Film instry 電影工業
direction 導演 proction 製片 adaptation 改編
scenario, screenplay, script 編劇 scene 場景 exterior 外景
lighting 燈光 shooting 攝制 to shoot 拍攝
special effects 特技 slow motion 慢鏡頭 editing, cutting 剪接 montage 剪輯
recording, sound recording 錄音
sound effects 音響效果

proction manager 製片人
procer 製片主任
film director 導演
assistant director 副導演,助理導演
cameraman, set photographer 攝影師
assistant cameraman 攝影助理
property manager, propsman 道具員
art director 布景師 (美作:set decorator)
stagehand 化裝師
lighting engineer 燈光師
film cutter 剪輯師
sound engineer, recording director 錄音師
scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家

sound track 音帶,聲帶
bbing 配音
postsynchronization 後期錄音合成
studio 製片廠,攝影棚
(motion)film studio 電影製片廠

actors 演員
cast 陣容
film star, movie star 電影明星
star, lead 主角
double, stand-in 替身演員
stunt man 特技替身演員
extra, walker-on 臨時演員
character actor 性格演員
regular player 基本演員
extra 特別客串


Ⅱ 作為電影欄目的主持人應怎樣的開場白(要英文的)

Hello everone,I'm very glad to be the host of this program.I think we all like watching movies,foe example comedies,tragedies,feature films and so on,movies make our life more interesting,and though the movies we can know many things.Today all of us can share our experiences of watching movies.
Do you know the movieXXX(電影的名字)?I think it's really a nice movies,it has very splendid plot(精彩的情節) and I like the people in this movis very much,after watching this movie I learned toXXX(例如愛love,勇敢be brave...).If you'd like to watch this movie,to be sure, you will like it.


Ⅲ 主持電影頻道的開場白!!!!


Ⅳ 包場請客戶看電影,開場白怎麼說




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