导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 那部电影让我感到兴奋英语


发布时间:2024-04-17 10:03:52

『壹』 "看一场令人感到刺激的动作电影就能让我足够开心了英语译文是什么

I would be truly excited just by watching a good action moivie.

『贰』 我最喜欢的电影英语作文带翻译





My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15,1912 ,the Titanic had an accident on the way to America .Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.Ilove this film very much.





『叁』 我对这部电影感兴趣。用英语怎么说

I am interested in this film.

『肆』 鏄ㄥぉ閭i儴鏂扮數褰辫╂垜鎰熷埌寰堟縺鍔 鍐欐垚鑻辫 鍒濅竴鑻辫

Yesterday,the new movie made me felt very excited.

『伍』 英语小作文——我最喜爱的一部电影,70个词左右

My favorite movie is "pleasant goat and big big Wolf".First of all, I like the character is pleasant goat, he is the first intelligent, Mr. Is a love a smart guy. Grey Wolf catch sheep, were he found. The second is the slow sheep sheep and grey Wolf. Slow sheep sheep are Mr. Village chief, he can invent many things, is a great inventor. Grey Wolf also can invent many tools to catch the sheep, but were a lamb. This is what I am like a small movie.

『陆』 《我最喜欢的一部电影》英语作文

Hollywood movies choose war, love and inspirational movie they choose only the audience as well as the Oscar judges art and commercial cinema of the marginal integration to do both good and popular and American film does do a great success
Know I like "The Shawshank Redemption" film extremely surprised, reflect the spirit and my character contrast this big I found today facet
Bankers -- Andy was sentenced to life in prison without looking inside to harsh environment only years evil warden more treacherous inner pain and system of human control and left prison sentences are lines that cut: the sustenance of faith to God the bad life to me
安迪柔弱智慧影片前小时让我看得担心压抑只能循规蹈矩高压下勉强生活监狱要彻底磨灭肖申克犯人对于未来希望让们像死人样听命生活安迪改变了切救赎了自己还帮监狱其犯人看了希望看了多彩监狱生活人们暂时忘记了压迫、暴力、恐慌自由祥和生活乐趣给每人都带来了希望安迪居用了十几年时间挖开了朋友瑞德眼要挖600年隧道风雨交加夜里 通过条生命通道500尺污水管道里匍匐前进地狱和天堂线之隔间匍匐前进终于对片湛蓝天空和大海向往下安迪重获自由并且巧妙惩罚了有罪典狱长等人
Andy weak wisdom film hours before let me worry about depression only too observant of conventional standards. under high pressure to completely obliterate Shoschenk reluctantly life prison inmates in the future that are deadly to life Andy changed everything redeemed himself also help prison the prisoner see hope to see the colorful life in prison people temporarily forget the oppression, violence, fear of freedom peaceful life fun for everyone brings hope Andy in 10 years time g friend Reed eye 600 years to dig tunnels It's raining and blowing hard. night life channel through 500 feet of sewage pipeline bellying through hell and heaven line compartment creeping forward finally to the blue sky and sea to down Andy's freedom and clever to punish the guilty the warden et al.
When people are the whole world abandoned in the face of despair when Andy - weak wise, gave us a good answer, they save himself
Want to say much more suspense to come have a look that I "The Shawshank Redemption" will let down
As long as the heart is like dead
Hope good thing maybe good hope hope...... Both have come son go one step further......

『柒』 “这部电影令我感到很感动,我很喜欢它。”用英语怎么讲

In a word,this movie is deeply touching and I'm really fond of it.



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