❶ 寻觅一部女主人公叫艾玛的电影
分类: 娱乐/明星 >>模信哗 电影
主要讲的是艾玛年轻的时候在一个贵族家里当保姆,后来和那个家族里一个年轻男士 *** 以后被赶走了。她就立志要复仇,没日没夜的工作开了很多店势力越来越大,最后终于把那个贵族家族搞垮了。结尾是在她生日的那天宣布遗嘱,由于她的儿子女儿们都紧盯她的财产因此她把全部财产几乎都继承给了她的孙子们。故事就完了,大概就是这个样子。我是在车里看的没看到开头…信号不好还断断续续的…很多细节也记不清了,想重看一遍。有人看过么?把这部电影的名字告诉我罢,谢谢。
这是美国根据Barbara Taylor Bradford 的小说 Emma's Secret 改编拍摄的系列电视旦行片,分为三部,坦态名为:"A Woman of Substance" (1983)
A Woman of Substance charts the life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the 20th Century, to respected business woman and Grandmother in the 1980's. From humble beginnings Emma Harte starts her business with a *** all shop, but over the next enty years she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile instry in Leeds. By the time of World War 2, Emma is the head of a major retail and manufacturing empire, but she has struggled all her life to find love. After an illegitimate daughter and o marriages, she finally meets the love of her life, Paul McGill, but their affair is cut short by a tragic accident, leaving Emma with his daughter. In the 1980's Emma faces one of her biggest tests - her childrens attempt to remove her as head of her pany, but Emma is far from the senile old woman they think she is - she is determined to stop them at all costs.
❷ 推荐些Emma Roberts艾玛罗伯茨的好看电影。除了《4321》《野孩子》这俩看过
里面有很多个故事,她是其中一个。这部电影还有taylor swift,她亲戚Julia Roberts
我没看过= =不过应该蛮好看的
她小时候和john depp演的
❸ 有一部电影,是爱情片,片子好像从198几年一直到2011年,女主人公叫艾玛,这是什么电影
one day
❹ 欧美电影一个叫艾玛的